After training through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in 2016, I saw a need for teaching in this field and sharing the knowledge. I have taught subjects such as traditional & holistic culinary classes, Meal Planning, Eco-Nutrition, Advocacy & Activism and business. I have gone on to teach for other institutions such as the Health Coach Collaborative, Upside Strength Academy, and BPJEPs Macon.
Working with clients, students, & practitioners in the nutrition field, gave me a greater insight into what valuable information was needed. Other issues needed to be addressed including self-care, stress, sleep, & movement. I teamed up with fellow colleagues Heather Creamer & Lisa Tsakos to create the Health Coach Collaborative, an online education platform to bring forward to new generation of certified Health Coaches.
Growing up near the forest and next to the ocean, I have always had an affinity towards nature and protecting it. My nutrition career really started from the small garden in my backyard. I constantly asked myself how to we protect the environment and still grow nutritious food? Through my learning, I discovered permaculture. Permaculture is a holistic agricultural and land management design approach that attempts to mimic patterns found in surrounding natural ecosystems to reduce waste, prevent pollution, maximize sustainability, protect wildlife, and improve the land’s resiliency and biodiversity. In practice, permaculture aims to raise food and use the land in a supportable, nondestructive manner, and it often extends into a philosophy that prescribes a way of living. It is an ethical framework I encourage others to dive into! Currently enrolled in an Advanced Permaculture Certification with Matt Powers.
When we think of pollinators (the insects responsible for helping grow our food), we often think of honey bees and we really do need them! If we lose this valuable insect, much of the food we grow today would no longer be available. Further to that, honeybees offer up magical products such as honey, propolis, and much more that we can use to help in many areas of our lives. These products are a great addition to our permaculture garden and preparation of teas & other healthy treats!
During my own health crisis, practicing yoga and other somatic healing practices helped me destress and stay focused on other health goals. There is a lot to be said about how we hold trauma, pain, and suffering in our bodies. This mind-body & self-care practice cannot be forgotten in the path to true health and wellness. I am currently taking courses to become a Yoga instructor with a focus on Somatic Healing.